Behavioral Design Models

Hi entrepreneur!

With this set of models, you can create engaging products from the get-go. Follow these simple steps to turn a product idea into a blueprint for a Minimum viable product (MVP) while keeping user-behavior in focus.

These models will guide you in a step by step discovery of the behaviors your product needs to drive in its users in order to be successful

I hope you find these helpful and if you design an amazing product with them, please let me know!


Behavioral Design Models

  • The most important question to answer is what behaviors to design for. Products are living things, so let's use life's processes to discover the behaviors that make your product a viable and self-sustained system. ...
  • Different actors fulfill different roles on your product. Sometimes the one that gets more value out of it is not the one getting paid, or the user is not the one that decides what product to use. How actors relate to your product affects your design, this model will help you map those relationships. ...
  • To provide value is to solve a need or show the potential to do it. With this model, you will explore the different needs your product can help solve and understand how significant they are for your users. ...
  • "My kingdom for a horse!." This model will help you determine who is getting the better deal of your product and prioritize those behaviors you will have to put your effort into designing for. ...
  • How long should it take to design my product? Spending too much time in one feature is one of the largest pit traps that lay in your way to launch. Use this model to estimate and decide how long you will spend with each one of the problems. ...
  • Optimizing the steps required to get value out of your product is one of the most cost-effective practices. This model will help you identify the shortest path to value and discover shortcuts to save you development time. ...
  • How to design features to drive behavior? This model will introduce you to a new way of thinking of behavior design and classify your target behaviors in terms of their weakest elements. ...
general description of the mvp models