Behavioral Design Models

7. Funnel optimization

Optimizing the steps required to get value out of your product is one of the most cost-effective practices. This model will help you identify the shortest path to value and discover shortcuts to save you development time.
Optimizing the steps required to get value out of your product is one of the most cost-effective practices. This model will help you identify the shortest path to value and discover shortcuts to save you development time.
  1. Simplify the model. Go over each node and ask: is there a way to avoid these steps?
  2. Find shortcuts. Situations where all the previous behaviors have been reached without the particular intention of carrying out the objective behavior
  3. Find the shortest path from a leaf to root, the minimum path for that target behavior.

The model in Model #6 -Target Behavior Funnel explores all the possible ways a user can reach the position to consider doing a target behavior. Since we are building an MVP, we need to consider the minimum viable version of this. This model will help you find a minimum set of required behaviors to design for.

In Model #6 -Target Behavior Funnel , I defined this schema as a conversion funnel, a structure where users drop off each step of the way. This has several implications that we are going to use to decide on which behaviors to focus on.

First, we should consider the length of the funnel. At equal drop-off rates, the more steps in the funnel, the more users you lose on the way to the target behavior. Since we can only estimate the drop-off rates, we should favor shorter funnels paths over long ones.

Second, the funnel can only have as many users as they enter in the first step. After the first step, users only drop-off of the chain, so we consider which initial point is more convenient.

Finally, it is quite common that, having discovered those behaviors that allow our product to show value, we want to focus all our efforts on polishing the mechanics that support it, since, after all, those are essential for success. But, this is a mistake. The most important behavior to drive on the actor is not the target behavior is at the top of the funnel. If we can optimize this behavior, more people will be closer to performing the target behavior.

The model

The model created in Model #6 -Target Behavior Funnel is a directed rooted tree. This means that it has two special kinds of nodes, a single node where no link departs from (there is no arrow coming out of this node), called root. And, several vertices with no edge coming into them, called leaves. The root is the target behavior, and the leaves are our top-of-the-funnel behaviors. Each path between a leaf and the root is a possible set of behaviors to explore.

Before choosing the minimum path available right now, let's optimize the model a little bit further. We will achieve this in two ways; the first is to go through the tree step by step, asking ourselves, "is there a way to avoid these steps?" Then, if that is the case, we will replace it by finding entire branches (series of nodes) of behaviors with simpler ones.

The second step is to find situations where all the previous behaviors have been reached, but casually, without the particular intention of carrying out the objective behavior; this is what we will call a shortcut. The clearest example of this is when an actor has to drive to the premises. Sometimes he will pass through the premises because he has to do so. Therefore, this preceding behavior is fulfilled with no design effort. If you find any, you should consider shortcuts as leaves!

Finally, measure the steps between a leaf and the root, and select the shortest one. Consider if the amount of people at the top of the funnel is large enough to make the product viable for this first iteration. If not, discard this path and select the shortest remaining one. Next, list all the behaviors from leaf to root. The final result is a prioritized list of behaviors you need for this user to see the value. Now off to design features that will support those!


Let's expand the example we used on Model #6 -Target Behavior Funnel , "You are selling the best burgers in the world," and optimize its funnel.

[Image of Model #6 -Target Behavior Funnel ]

Some ground rules:

  • Due to the operational restrictions of my fast food place, we cannot do delivery.
  • There are no waiters.
  • We require people to pay.

So no cutting corners there. But, as my burgers are the best in the world, I could take all other menu items and eliminate the choice of the order. I can also postpone the payment until after the target behavior and relate it to a mandatory behavior, such as leaving the premises.

These might not necessarily be the best options for operation, but it makes it easier to try the burgers and validate that we have the best burgers in the world. Building this diagram helps us question how to revolutionize my business and bring my potential guests closer to my product.

Let's try to find shortcuts; as I said before, I can take advantage of customers already near the premises and add posters that invite them to enter, no need to bring people from their homes. I can also take advantage of those customers who have already order and include a hamburger with any order they make.

Model 7 - Example